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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Vogtle : Unusual event declared based on indication of fire within protected area

20 mars 2013

Urgence déclarée suite au déclenchement d’une alarme incendie dans une zone protégée du réacteur n° 2. Les pompes d’eau anti-incendie ont été activées. Une surchauffe sur des équipements, sans qu’il n’y ait réellement d’incendie, a déclenché l’alarme.

Première divergence : mars 1989

Availble in english only.

Event Number : 48832

Facility : VOGTLE - State : GA

Unit : [2] - RX Type : [2] W-4-LP

Event Date : 03/20/2013 - Event Time : 02:46

Emergency Class : UNUSUAL EVENT 10 CFR Section : 50.72(a) (1) (i) - EMERGENCY DECLARED

Initial PWR : 0% Current PWR : 0%

Event Text


The licensee declared a Unusual Event based on EAL HU-2 due to indication of a fire in the Protected Area for greater than 15 minutes. The licensee received initial indication of a fire alarm and startup of fire water pumps. The alarm was located in the vicinity of the Auxiliary Building Unit 2 HVAC supply unit. The licensee declared an unusual event at 0246 EDT. Upon investigation, it was determined that the heater strips in an HVAC unit were overheated and caused a fire alarm and no fire actually existed.

The licensee notified state and local agencies and will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.

Notified DHS, FEMA, DHS NICC and NuclearSSA (email).

* * * UPDATE AT 0409 EDT ON 3/20/13 FROM BISHOP TO CROUCH * * *

The licensee terminated its unusual event at 0341 EDT on 3/20/13 after confirming there was no fire within the Unit 2 Auxiliary Building HVAC supply unit.

The licensee notified state and local agencies and will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.

R2DO (Rich) and NRR EO (Lund) notified.

Notified DHS, FEMA, DHS NICC and NuclearSSA (email).


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