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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : River Bend : système d’injection de refroidissement haute pression du coeur en panne

30 avril 2015

Le test de ce circuit inclut les lignes de retour des condensats vers le réservoir de stockage. Deux vannes permettent d’isoler ces circuits de retour afin que le liquide injecté se dirige bien vers le coeur. Une fuite a été découverte en amont d’une vanne, fuite suffisemment importante pour épuiser la réserve de liquide de la piscine lors de la survenue d’un accident de brèche primaire. La vanne a donc été placée en position fermée empêchant l’activation du système d’injection qui a été déclaré en panne : cette déclaration oblige la mise à l’arrêt du réacteur sous 14 jours.

Type : BWR Mark 3 - Puissance : 3091 MWth - Première divergence : 10 / 1985 -

Available in english only

Event Number : 51028

Facility : RIVER BEND - State : LA

Unit : [1] - RX Type : [1] GE-6

Event Date : 04/30/2015 - Event Time : 23:44

Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section : 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) - ACCIDENT MITIGATION

Initial PWR : 100 % Current PWR : 100 %

Event Text


"River Bend Station personnel declared the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) system inoperable at 2344 CDT on 4/30/2015.

"The HPCS system at River Bend Station includes a test return line to the Condensate Storage Tank (CST). The test return line is isolated by two motor operated valves (E22-MOVF010 and E22-MOVF011), with both having a safety function to close on an ECCS initiation signal to ensure that injection flow is directed to the reactor vessel. There is currently a blind flange installed downstream of these two valves. While the HPCS pump is normally aligned to the CST, the credited source of water for the pump is the suppression pool. Accordingly, the pump suction is realigned to the suppression pool on low level in the CST or when suppression pool level rises to a certain point. While performing maintenance on the downstream test return valve (E22-MOVF011), station personnel identified leakage past the upstream test return valve (E22-MOVF010) which was being used as an isolation boundary. In evaluating this condition, engineering personnel noted that the observed leakage past the upstream isolation MOV might be sufficient to deplete suppression pool inventory such that it would not be capable of performing its specified function for the duration of the 30-day mission time. The issue of concern is that once HPCS is aligned to the suppression pool post-LOCA, pool inventory would be lost due to the leaking upstream isolation valve (E22-MOVF010) and out the disassembled downstream isolation valve (E22-MOVF011).

"Based on that concern, the HPCS pump suction valve from the suppression pool was disabled in the closed position to preserve pool inventory. This action caused the HPCS system to be declared inoperable at 2344 CDT. This action results in a 14 day shutdown LCO and is reportable to the NRC in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)D.

"The HPCS pump remained available with its suction aligned to the CST.


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