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International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium Weapons

Evénement international - Événement national

Samedi 6 novembre 2010

ICBUW (International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons) calls on its members and friends to promote an event on depleted uranium this month.

November 6th is the International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium Weapons. It also happens to be the United Nations’ Day for Prevention of the Exploitation of the Environment during Wars and Armed Conflicts.

Day of Action logo Each year ICBUW calls on its membership to help highlight the issue through actions and events during November. In the past this has included direct action, protests at factories, firing ranges and embassies, letter writing campaigns, photo shoots, petition signings and symposia. The options open to you are limited only by your imagination.

This year, results of the UN First Committee vote on the new resolution calling for transparency (see : https://www.bandepleteduranium.org/en/a/343.html for background) will be available from November 2nd and posted on the ICBUW site. States get a second chance to vote at the General Assembly in late November so if your country has voted against or abstained on the text, you may wish to use your event as an opportunity to raise awareness of this.

Getting media coverage of your event is crucial, for tips on how to get the message out, try using this handy guide : https://www.urban75.com/Action/media.html

Plans are already underway for an action at the French DU testing range at Bourges, while in the UK, the Uranium Weapons Network are planning an event in London to raise awareness of the ongoing lack of transparency over the use of DU.

Please contact ICBUW with information about your planned event, we would also like photos and reports of events that occur throughout November.

ICBUW (International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons) calls on its members and friends to promote an event on depleted uranium this month.

November 6th is the International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium Weapons. It also happens to be the United Nations’ Day for Prevention of the Exploitation of the Environment during Wars and Armed Conflicts.

Day of Action logo Each year ICBUW calls on its membership to help highlight the issue through actions and events during November. In the past this has included direct action, protests at factories, firing ranges and embassies, letter writing campaigns, photo shoots, petition signings and symposia. The options open to you are limited only by your imagination.

This year, results of the UN First Committee vote on the new resolution calling for transparency (see : https://www.bandepleteduranium.org/en/a/343.html for background) will be available from November 2nd and posted on the ICBUW site. States get a second chance to vote at the General Assembly in late November so if your country has voted against or abstained on the text, you may wish to use your event as an opportunity to raise awareness of this.

Getting media coverage of your event is crucial, for tips on how to get the message out, try using this handy guide : https://www.urban75.com/Action/media.html

Plans are already underway for an action at the French DU testing range at Bourges, while in the UK, the Uranium Weapons Network are planning an event in London to raise awareness of the ongoing lack of transparency over the use of DU.

Please contact ICBUW with information about your planned event, we would also like photos and reports of events that occur throughout November.

Depuis plus de 20 ans Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" apporte son soutien aux groupes antinucléaires. Ils sont le fondement de notre association et du mouvement antinucléaire en France. Chaque année, le Réseau relaie massivement leurs actions et les soutient financièrement. Nous souhaitons pouvoir continuer à impulser et amplifier cette dynamique d’actions contre le nucléaire, et ce sera grâce à votre soutien :

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