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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Vogtle : Manual reactor trip due to excessive reactor coolant pump seal leakoff flow

26 février 2013

Le réacteur n° 2 a été arrêté manuellement suite au constat d’une fuite excessive de liquide de refroidfissement sur le joint d’une pompe primaire. Le cœur étant critique, les systèmes de protection du réacteur se sont enclenchés. L’arrêt se serait ensuite effectué dans des conditions "normales"

Première divergence : mars 1989 - Puissance nette : 1 152 MW - Type : PWR -

Availble in english only.

Facility : VOGTLE - State : GA - Unit : [2] - RX Type : [2] W-4-LP

Event Date : 02/26/2013 - Event Time : 23:02

Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY

10 CFR Section : 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) - VALID SPECIF SYS ACTUATION

Initial PWR : 94% - Current PWR : 0% - Current RX Mode : Hot Standby


"At 2302 EST, Vogtle Unit Two was manually tripped in response to excessive Reactor Coolant Pump #4, seal #1 leakoff flow. Seal leakoff flow exceeded the procedural limits for continued operation of the pump. Following the reactor trip, RCP #4 was shutdown per procedure guidance.

All systems operated correctly in response to the reactor trip. All control rods fully inserted. The Auxiliary Feed Water (AFW) system automatically actuated as expected. System responses allowed for an uncomplicated reactor trip response. The plant is stable in Mode 3 during cause investigation.

"The NRC Senior Resident was notified and is enroute to the plant for investigation."

AFW is supplying the steam generators and decay heat removal is to the condenser via steam dumps. No safety valves or relief valves lifted during the transient. The unit is in a normal post-trip electrical line-up. There was no impact on Unit One.

Event Number : 48788


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