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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Turkey Point : Automatic reactor trip due to turbine trip on loss of condenser vacuum

11 février 2013

Une perte de vide au condenseur a affecté le réacteur 3. Un signal d’arrêt automatique de la turbine a entrainé l’arrêt du réacteur. Les éléments d’arrêt ont fonctionné normalement et le réacteur est à température et pression normale. Le condenseur principal n’étant pas disponible, les lâchés de vapeur se font directement dans l’atmosphère. Il n’y a pas d’indication de fuite primaire secondaire.

Première divergence : octobre 1972 - Puissance 693MW - Type PWR -

Available in english only.

Facility : TURKEY POINT - Region : FL - Unit : [3] Event Date : 02/11/2013 - Event Time : 22:36 Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL Initial PWR 100 Power Operation Current PWR 0 Hot Standby

Event Text


"This is a non-emergency event notification to the NRCOC [Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center] in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) for a valid actuation of the Reactor Protection System (RPS) (four hour notification) and 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) for a valid Engineered Safeguards (ESF) actuation due to Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) initiation (eight hour notification).

"On 2/11/2013 at 2236 EST Unit 3 experienced a loss of condenser vacuum. An automatic Turbine Trip signal was generated which initiated a Reactor Trip signal. The reactor tripped as required on the automatic trip signal. Auxiliary feedwater water actuated automatically based on low steam generator levels following the trip. Unit 3 is currently in Mode 3 and stable. Steam generator levels have been returned to normal levels . The loss of vacuum is under investigation at this time. All other plant systems are working as designed."

The reactor trip was uncomplicated. All control rods fully inserted. The plant is stable at normal temperature and pressure. AFW has been secured and main feedwater is being used for Steam Generator water level control. The main condenser is unavailable and decay heat removal is to atmosphere via the atmospheric steam dumps. There are no indications of primary to secondary leakage. Unit 3 is in a normal offsite power electrical alignment. There is no impact on Unit 4.

The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


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