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Etats-Unis : Seabrook : Unusual event declared due to earthquake felt on-site

16 octobre 2012

Un séisme de magnitude 4, dont l’épicentre se situait à environ 80 km de la centrale nucléaire de Seabrook, a été ressenti sur le site : officiellement, il n’y a eu aucun dégât sur le réacteur 1 qui était en arrêt pour rechargement et pas de nécessité de faire de communiqué de presse. Cependant, pour la NRC "Emergency declared"...

Available in english only.

Facility : SEABROOK - Region : 1 State : NH - Unit : [1] Event Date : 10/16/2012 - Event Time : 19:20 Emergency Class : UNUSUAL EVENT 50.72(a) (1) (i) - EMERGENCY DECLARED

1 N N 0 Cold Shutdown 0 Cold Shutdown

Event Text

"An Unusual Event was declared at 1920 EDT, HU1 - Earthquake felt in the plant (Control Room), and confirmed by calling the Manchester Dispatch Office.

"Post event walkdowns indicate no reports of damage at the station. Walkdowns of station structures and systems continue.

"Plant is stable in Mode 5 planned refueling outage.

"No adverse impacts to shutdown cooling.

"The station seismic monitor is currently out of service for a scheduled calibration."

The licensee is exiting a refueling outage. The earthquake was felt by the site at 1914 EDT. The United States Geological Survey website indicates that an earthquake of magnitude 4.0 centered 3 miles west of Hollis Center, Maine occurred at this time.

The licensee is currently in a Train ’B’ system outage. All Train ’A’ systems are functioning as required.

The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector and State authorities. No media or press release is anticipated at this time. The Headquarters Operations Officer has notified other FEDS (FEMA, DHS, DHS NICC and Nuclear SSA via email).


"The Unusual Event was terminated at 0149 EDT. Initiating condition was HU-1 due to the earthquake felt at the plant and confirmed by calling Manchester Dispatch Office. Information obtained by seismic monitoring system confirmed no additional escalation warranted. Site walkdown of key systems revealed no damage from the earthquake. All systems required for the current mode of operation were not adversely affected and remain in operation. "

The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R1DO (Welling), NRR (Bahadur), IRD (Grant) and other FEDS (FEMA, DHS, DHS NICC and Nuclear SSA via email).


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