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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Nine Mile Point : Arrêt d’urgence du réacteur n° 2 suite à l’insertion de barres de contrôle

10 mars 2014

L’arrêt d’urgence a coïncidé avec l’enclenchement intempestif du système d’isolement de refroidissement du cœur. Du personnel de maintenance qui travaillait à proximité d’un rack d’instrumentation du cœur pourrait être à l’origine du problème. Le cœur étant critique, les systèmes de protection du réacteur se sont enclenchés.

Type : BWR-MARK 2 - Puissance : 3 988 MWTh - Première divergence 05/87

Available in english only.

Event Number : 49888 Facility : NINE MILE POINT - State : NY - Unit : [2] - Type : GE-5

Event Date : 03/10/2014 - Event Time : 16:28

Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section : 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL

 Initial PWR : 100 % - Current PWR 0 % -

Event Text


"At 1628 EDT Nine Mile Point (NMP) Unit 2 experienced an actuation of the Alternate Rod Insertion (ARI) system which resulted in a reactor scram. Coincident with the scram, the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system initiated.

"Prior to the event, maintenance personnel were working in the vicinity of a reactor vessel level instrumentation rack and may have agitated the common drain line of the transmitters. A prompt investigation is underway to investigate the incident.

"The actuation signal for the RCIC system was invalid because reactor vessel level did not reach level two and the actuation was not in response to actual plant conditions or parameters.

"The reactor scram is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) as, ’Any event or condition that results in actuation of the reactor protection system (RPS) when the reactor is critical.’

"The event has been entered into the NMP corrective action program as CR-2014-001963.

"The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified."

The licensee has notified the State of New York.

The reactor is shutdown with all rods inserted. Decay heat is being rejected to the condenser and reactor water level is being maintained by condensate, feedwater, reactor water clean up, and control rod drive systems.


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