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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Diablo Canyon : Emergency bus inadvertently de-energized with unit defueled

28 février 2013

Perte intempestive d’une alimentation électrique d’urgence en 4 000 volts durant une opération de maintenance. Le groupe électrogène a reçu l’ordre de démarrer mais son circuit avait été ouvert pour effectuer une réparation.

Première divergence : août 1985 - Puissance : 1 118 MW - Type : PWR -

Available in english only.

Facility : DIABLO CANYON - State : CA

Unit : [2] - RX Type : [2]

Event Date : 02/28/2013 - Event Time : 21:54

Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section : 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) - VALID SPECIF SYS ACTUATION

PWR Initial 0 - Current PWR 0

Event Text


"On February 28, 2013, at 2154 PST, Unit 2 4kV ESF Bus G deenergized while attempting a repair to the bus automatic transfer circuitry. The deenergization of 4kV ESF Bus G initiated a start signal to Diesel Generator 2-1, which supplies emergency power to 4kV ESF Bus G. Diesel Generator 2-1 did not start due to being placed in manual control to prevent starting automatically during the repair. However, a valid actuation signal was generated to start Diesel Generator 2-1. As the Diesel Generator was shut down and in manual control, no actuation occurred.

"This is reportable as a valid system actuation that was not part of a pre-planned sequence during testing.

"Unit 2 is currently defueled, with the core offloaded into the spent fuel pool. No loss of cooling occurred as spent fuel pool cooling equipment had been selected to unaffected buses.

"The NRC resident has been notified."

Event Number : 48796

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