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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Angleterre : Sellafield : Découverte d’eau et de boue contaminées à l’uranium

22 février 2012

Pendant les opérations de démantèlement, de l’eau et des boues contaminées à l’uranium ont été découvertes. L’analyse a indiqué que la contamination de cette eau et de cette boue dépassaient les limites autorisées.

Available in english only.

Statement of nuclear incidents at nuclear installations

Sellafield Limited – Capenhurst Works – 28 February 2012

During planned site decommissioning operations, a quantity of historical uranium contaminated water and sludge was found in a radiologically controlled area that was recently undergoing decommissioning clean up operations. The spillage was contained within concrete service channels, which were underneath steel plate covers.

Detailed analysis of the water and sludge was promptly conducted, in order to confirm the actions required to safely remove the material. The analysis indicated that the contamination found exceeded the quantity specified in IRR 1999 Schedule 8. This quantity was therefore regarded as ‘significant’ under these regulations and, as such, was reportable to Government, under the site’s reporting arrangements.

There has been no injury or damage, no significant release of radioactive material, there was no potential for any off-site hazard and the public were not affected.

The ONR nominated site inspector, a specialist ONR inspector and the Environment Agency site inspector jointly inspected the scene of the event, in response to the prompt notification by the licensee. ONR has provided the Licensee with regulatory advice to inform their investigation, which is currently nearing completion. ONR is content that the scope of the investigation is sufficiently wide ranging. Interim investigation reports have been provided by the Licensee and ONR will continue to monitor the implementation of the investigation recommendations. ONR is content with the Licensee’s prudent response to the event and no further regulatory action is planned, other than following up implementation of investigation actions by the Licensee.

This event has been given a rating of ’Below Scale / Level 0’ on the IAEA INES scale.


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