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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Grande Bretagne : Wylfa : Fuite sur un tuyau du réacteur n° 1

19 juin 2014

Le réacteur est à l’arrêt après 5 mois et demi de travaux et deux tentatives de redémarrage. Lors d’un test, des travailleurs pourraient avoir été irradiés suite à une fuite de gaz non filtré du circuit primaire à travers une soupape... mais ils ne disposaient pas de dosimètre de contrôle ! La réparation du tuyau percé devrait durer une quinzaine de jours.

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Pipe leak found at Wylfa nuclear power station

Jun 19, 2014 06:00 By Rhodri Barker

Faulty apparatus has kept the Wylfa power station closed for five months after two abandoned attempts to restart the Anglesey plant

Wylfa nuclear power station has been shut down for five-and-a-half months, the Daily Post can reveal.

Faults with apparatus followed by a leak in a pipe mean two attempts to restart the Anglesey plant since a shutdown in January have been abandoned.

The power station has generated no power since January 6, when the power station was shut down for planned maintenance work.

Wylfa is now expected to reopen in July, when the shutdown will have been twice as long as planned.

But in another incident during the outage, the plant failed to protect workers who could have been exposed to radiation but were not provided with a dosimeter – a device used to measure radiation.

The failure of a valve during a test also meant that an “unfiltered discharge of reactor gas” continued for 75 seconds at the plant.

Operators expected to restart the plant within 100 days.

No radioactive material was involved in the incidents and a spokeswoman for the plant said there was no release of radioactivity.

She said there have been no changes to staffing at the plant during the extended outage.

Operators Magnox say the shutdown is expected to continue for about another two weeks while the pipe is repaired.

A report by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) found that neither event posed a significant risk.

Magnox said a “knocking sound” was heard inside one of the reactor’s turbines during the first attempted return to service.

The spokeswoman said : “It became apparent that it was coming from a tube which provides oil to the thrust bearings. The issue was rectified and the turbine could be restarted.

“In addition, an inlet guide vane (IGV) had become stuck. At this point, the site had stopped the return to service. This IGV has now been fixed.”

During the second attempted return to service, operators found damage to a pipe carrying cooling water to some ancillary equipment.

But minutes of a meeting of the Wylfa stakeholder group described how workers on the roof of the plant’s pile cap could have been exposed to radiation during the outage, and concluded that arrangements to protect them were “not sufficient”.

While the only working reactor was being returned to service at Easter, further maintenance work was identified and the “outage” was extended.

After those problems were addressed, another attempt was made to return the reactor to service last week, but the discovery of a leak in a pipe on Friday meant that attempt was also abandoned.

The spokesperson said : “We stopped all activities associated with returning the reactor to power and are now in the process of fixing the pipe.

“Only when it is safe and compliant to do so will we continue with activities associated with bringing the reactor back to full power.”

A report by the ONR said : “The licensee has investigated the event and considers that the assessed dose to the affected persons is comparatively small by comparison to the legal limit.

“It has identified a number of areas where arrangements can be improved, and is taking the necessary action to help prevent a reoccurrence.”

The minutes of the stakeholder meeting also describe the “unfiltered discharge of reactor gas” which occurred when a bursting disc associated with a gas safety relief valve failed while the valve was being tested.

The ONR’s report said : “Assessors reviewed the response and confirmed that they are satisfied with the validity of the test and that there are no safety implications that were not addressed.”

Wylfa is expected to remain operational until September 30, but the planned shutdown could be postponed by 15 months if safety inspectors approve the extension.

Wylfa’s Reactor 2 was shut down in 2012.


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