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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Indian Point : Reactor trip following loss of instrument air to main feedwater regulating valves

3 juillet 2013

Arrêt du réacteur suite à la perte de l’alimentation en air des vannes principales. Deux pompes principales se sont arrêtées. Les opérateurs ont engagé l’injection de sécurité. Les vannes d’isolation principales sont restées immobiles suite à la perte d’alimentation en air. Cette perte serait liée à la rupture d’un raccord sur le circuit d’alimentation en air. Les barres de contrôle se seraient correctement insérées.

1ère divergence : mai 1973 - Type PWR - P : 1022 MWe

Available in english only.

Facility : INDIAN POINT - State : NY - Unit : [2] - RX Type : [2] W-4-LP -

Event Date : 07/03/2013 - Event Time : 07:41 -

Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section : 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) - VALID SPECIF SYS ACTUATION

Initial PWR : 100 % Current PWR : 0 %

Event Text


"On July 3, 2013, at 0741 EST, the Indian Point Unit 2 CCR received a trip of both Main Boiler Feed Pumps (MBFP) and entered 2-AOP-FW-1, Loss of Feedwater. The unit was manually tripped at 0741 per 2-AOP-FW-1 due to the trip of both MBFPs. Operators entered E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

"All control rods fully inserted. All safety systems responded as expected. The Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) System actuated as expected. Offsite power and plant electrical lineups are normal. No primary or secondary code safety valves lifted. The 23 and 24 Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV) failed closed as a result of the loss of Instrument Air (IA). The 21 and 22 MSIVs remain open with the Main Condensers being used for heat sink. The reactor is in Mode 3 and stable. Unit 3 was unaffected and remains at 100% power.

"Preliminary investigations determined a two inch copper IA line in the switchyard which is normally buried had a failed coupling causing loss of IA to the main feedwater regulating valves. The IA line traversed an excavated area of the switchyard going to the Auxiliary Boiler Feed Pump (ABFP) Building. AFW operated using the Nitrogen backup supply to ABFP control valves until Instrument Air was restored to the ABFP building. An investigation is in progress."

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Event Number : 49171


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