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Australie : Marche "Walk away from uranium mining"

Signez la pétition contre l’installation d’une mine d’uranium

Article publié le 5 septembre 2011

En attendant de lire la suite des aventures trépidantes de nos marcheurs vous pouvez agir en signant une pétition (en anglais) demandant l’abandon de tout projet de mines d’uranium à Wiluna.

Le texte de la pétition :

I ask the Environmental Protection Authority to reject Toro Energy’s application for the Wiluna uranium mine at the beginning of WA’s iconic Canning Stock Route.

Uranium mining is different to other mining ; it consumes large volumes of water, contaminates groundwater and leaves behind a legacy of radioactive mine waste on country, putting workers and the community at risk. All Australian uranium mines have had history of leaks, safety breaches and failed rehabilitation.

Toro’s proposal is in an area which despite decades of mining, still suffers from extreme poverty, homelessness, unemployment, violence and other social problems.

Toro has a suite of incomplete management plans and presents outdated assumptions about the risks of radiation. The company downplays the significant global implications of its uranium mining and export proposal.

Uranium exported from Wiluna will at best end up as high-level nuclear waste. At worst it will end up as fissile (explosive) material in nuclear weapons, or in a nuclear disaster such as that unfolding in Fukushima, Japan.

There is no bipartisan support for uranium mining in WA. The public is increasingly concerned about Australian uranium fuelling nuclear disasters. National and WA surveys show that more Australians oppose uranium mining than support it.

I do not support uranium mining at Wiluna, and again call on the EPA to reject Toro’s proposal in lieu of an open and transparent public inquiry into the wide-ranging issues associated with uranium mining and the nuclear industry.

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Le texte de la pétition :

I ask the Environmental Protection Authority to reject Toro Energy’s application for the Wiluna uranium mine at the beginning of WA’s iconic Canning Stock Route.

Uranium mining is different to other mining ; it consumes large volumes of water, contaminates groundwater and leaves behind a legacy of radioactive mine waste on country, putting workers and the community at risk. All Australian uranium mines have had history of leaks, safety breaches and failed rehabilitation.

Toro’s proposal is in an area which despite decades of mining, still suffers from extreme poverty, homelessness, unemployment, violence and other social problems.

Toro has a suite of incomplete management plans and presents outdated assumptions about the risks of radiation. The company downplays the significant global implications of its uranium mining and export proposal.

Uranium exported from Wiluna will at best end up as high-level nuclear waste. At worst it will end up as fissile (explosive) material in nuclear weapons, or in a nuclear disaster such as that unfolding in Fukushima, Japan.

There is no bipartisan support for uranium mining in WA. The public is increasingly concerned about Australian uranium fuelling nuclear disasters. National and WA surveys show that more Australians oppose uranium mining than support it.

I do not support uranium mining at Wiluna, and again call on the EPA to reject Toro’s proposal in lieu of an open and transparent public inquiry into the wide-ranging issues associated with uranium mining and the nuclear industry.

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Le saviez-vous ?
Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" est un véritable contre-pouvoir citoyen. Totalement indépendants de l’État, nous dépendons exclusivement du soutien de nos donateur⋅ices. C’est grâce à votre soutien financier que nous pouvons nous permettre de tout mettre en œuvre pour offrir aux générations futures l’espoir d’un avenir sans risques nucléaires. Aidez-nous à obtenir cet objectif et à nous permettre de continuer la lutte au quotidien contre cette énergie mortifère et pour promouvoir la sobriété énergétique et les alternatives renouvelables.

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