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Australie : Marche "Walk away from uranium mining"

Fukushima and the global anti-nuclear renaissance

Article publié le 4 août 2011

Fukushima and the global anti-nuclear renaissance

7pm, August 4 2011 Brown Street Hall, Brown Street (above Newtown Library, just off King Street)

Guest speakers : Andre Lariviere and Francois Mativet, Sortir du Nucleaire (France) Co-hosted by Beyond Nuclear Initiative, Solidarity and the Yellowcake Road Collective.

The Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan continues to escalate, with the evacuation zone widening, contamination levels rising and the government admitting three nuclear meltdowns have occurred.

The nuclear industry has actively promoted nuclear power as the ‘clean, green’ answer to climate change. Since Fukushima however, the real renaissance has been of the anti nuclear movement worldwide.

Japan has spearheaded the resurgence, with 20 000 people mobilising in Tokyo on July 2. Over 90% of participants voted ’yes’ in Italy’s recent referendum on whether to repeal laws allowing construction of new nuclear power plants, despite government attempts to discourage participation. Following mobilisations involving hundreds of thousands, the German Greens took power from the Conservative party in the Baden-Wuerttemberg state election that became a default referendum on nuclear power.

Traditional Owners in Australia continue to resist uranium mining, opposing the contamination of their country and fearing the possibility of further nuclear disasters overseas. ERA’s Ranger mine in the Northern Territory supplies uranium to TEPCO, operator of the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Australia also supplies uranium to the United States, China, Canada, Taiwan, South Korea and many EU countries.

Andre Lariviere and Francois Mativet from the French network Sortir du Nucleaire are travelling to Sydney for Hiroshima Day events on August 6, before heading to Western Australia for the ten week "Walk Against Uranium Mining".

Sortir du Nucleaire represents over 900 NGOs and anti nuclear groups and is pivotal to the anti nuclear movement in Europe, linking trade unions, NGOs and grassroots activists.

Join Andre, Francois and anti nuclear activists from Sydney to discuss the current state of the nuclear industry and the anti nuclear movement globally.

For more information contact : Natalie Wasley, Beyond Nuclear Initiative, 0429 900 774

Fukushima and the global anti-nuclear renaissance

7pm, August 4 2011 Brown Street Hall, Brown Street (above Newtown Library, just off King Street)

Guest speakers : Andre Lariviere and Francois Mativet, Sortir du Nucleaire (France) Co-hosted by Beyond Nuclear Initiative, Solidarity and the Yellowcake Road Collective.

The Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan continues to escalate, with the evacuation zone widening, contamination levels rising and the government admitting three nuclear meltdowns have occurred.

The nuclear industry has actively promoted nuclear power as the ‘clean, green’ answer to climate change. Since Fukushima however, the real renaissance has been of the anti nuclear movement worldwide.

Japan has spearheaded the resurgence, with 20 000 people mobilising in Tokyo on July 2. Over 90% of participants voted ’yes’ in Italy’s recent referendum on whether to repeal laws allowing construction of new nuclear power plants, despite government attempts to discourage participation. Following mobilisations involving hundreds of thousands, the German Greens took power from the Conservative party in the Baden-Wuerttemberg state election that became a default referendum on nuclear power.

Traditional Owners in Australia continue to resist uranium mining, opposing the contamination of their country and fearing the possibility of further nuclear disasters overseas. ERA’s Ranger mine in the Northern Territory supplies uranium to TEPCO, operator of the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Australia also supplies uranium to the United States, China, Canada, Taiwan, South Korea and many EU countries.

Andre Lariviere and Francois Mativet from the French network Sortir du Nucleaire are travelling to Sydney for Hiroshima Day events on August 6, before heading to Western Australia for the ten week "Walk Against Uranium Mining".

Sortir du Nucleaire represents over 900 NGOs and anti nuclear groups and is pivotal to the anti nuclear movement in Europe, linking trade unions, NGOs and grassroots activists.

Join Andre, Francois and anti nuclear activists from Sydney to discuss the current state of the nuclear industry and the anti nuclear movement globally.

For more information contact : Natalie Wasley, Beyond Nuclear Initiative, 0429 900 774

Le saviez-vous ?
Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" est un véritable contre-pouvoir citoyen. Totalement indépendants de l’État, nous dépendons exclusivement du soutien de nos donateur⋅ices. C’est grâce à votre soutien financier que nous pouvons nous permettre de tout mettre en œuvre pour offrir aux générations futures l’espoir d’un avenir sans risques nucléaires. Aidez-nous à obtenir cet objectif et à nous permettre de continuer la lutte au quotidien contre cette énergie mortifère et pour promouvoir la sobriété énergétique et les alternatives renouvelables.

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