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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Diablo Canyon : Unusual event declared due to seismic event

21 octobre 2012

Un séisme de magnitude 5.3 a frappé la centrale nucléaire. Selon les autorités de contrôle cet évènement n’aurait pas engendré de dégât sur les réacteurs qui fonctionnaient et ont continué à fonctionner à pleine puissance. Le 16 juillet 2007, un séisme de magnitude 6,8 avait affecté la centrale de Kashiwazaki-Kariwa... 4 ans plus tard survenait la catastrophe de Fukushima... Les Etats-Unis vont-ils rester inactifs face à cette alerte "sans frais" ?

Available in english only.

Facility : DIABLO CANYON - Region : 4 State : CA Unit : [1] [2] - Event Date : 10/21/2012 - Event Time : 00:09 [PDT] Last Update Date : 10/21/2012 Emergency Class : UNUSUAL EVENT 50.72(a) (1) (i) - EMERGENCY DECLARED

Unit SCRAM Code RX CRIT Initial PWR Initial RX Mode Current PWR Current RX Mode 1 N Y 100 Power Operation 100 Power Operation 2 N Y 100 Power Operation 100 Power Operation

Event Text


"HU1.1 Seismic event identified by earthquake felt in plant and US Geological Survey (USGS)."

An earthquake was felt onsite at approximately 0000 PDT. The licensee stated that two out of three methods for determining if an Unusual Event should be declared were met (i.e. the earthquake was felt in the plant and the earthquake was monitored by the USGS). The licensee characterized the earthquake as a "very mild" event. The licensee stated that, at the present time, there was no indication of damage to either unit and that both units remain at 100% power. The licensee is in the process of conducting walkdowns to confirm there was no damage to the plant.

The USGS classified the magnitude of the earthquake as 5.3.

The licensee notified state and local authorities and the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified other federal agencies (FEMA, DHS, DHS NICC and Nuclear SSA via email).


As of 1142 PDT on 10/21/12, the licensee terminated from the Unusual Event based on review of completed plant walkdowns. No damage was identified. Both Units are stable and in normal plant operations.

The licensee notified state and local authorities and will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R4DO (Pick), NRR EO (Bahadur), IRD MOC (Grant) and federal agencies (FEMA, DHS, DHS NICC and Nuclear SSA via email).


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