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Wladimir Tchertkoff Documentaries [En]

26 avril 2010 | 442 vues

 The Sacrifice

To see absolutely, the documentary one of 24 mn of Wladimir Tchertkoff (2003), price of the best documentary scientist and environment. In the months which followed the catastrophe of Tchernobyl, a million liquidators were requisitioned to try to confine the engine on fire. The testimony of some among them, the death of the majority in the general indifference.

 Nuclear Controversies

Documentary of 51 mn of Wladimir Tchertkoff (2003). In June 2001 in Kiev, the nuclear based experts of the IAEA and WHO maintain that the catastrophe of Tchernobyl made only 31 died “approximately”…

 The Sacrifice

To see absolutely, the documentary one of 24 mn of Wladimir Tchertkoff (2003), price of the best documentary scientist and environment. In the months which followed the catastrophe of Tchernobyl, a million liquidators were requisitioned to try to confine the engine on fire. The testimony of some among them, the death of the majority in the general indifference.

 Nuclear Controversies

Documentary of 51 mn of Wladimir Tchertkoff (2003). In June 2001 in Kiev, the nuclear based experts of the IAEA and WHO maintain that the catastrophe of Tchernobyl made only 31 died “approximately”…

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