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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Limerick : Déversement de 56 781 litres d’eau contaminée au tritium dans la rivière qui alimente les villes environnantes dont Philadelphie

19 mars 2012

Un échantillon d’eau prélevé à partir d’une flaque d’eau près de la bouche d’égout à partir de laquelle l’eau est apparue, avait une concentration en tritium de 113.000 picocuries par litre, plus de cinq fois le niveau de sécurité de l’eau potable.

Available in english only.

NRC reveals radioactive water spill at limerick nuke plant

On Monday, March 19, 2012 at 3 a.m. a manhole overflowed during a scheduled and permitted radiological release through the cooling tower blow down outfall. As a result, several thousand gallons of water overflowed briefly, formed puddles in the area, and was discharged through a different National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted outfall.

"The overflow was terminated, water samples were collected from the impacted areas, and the area was remediated in keeping with the Station’s environmental monitoring program. Several samples showed increased levels of tritium that were well below permitted Commonwealth and Federal effluent limits.

"There were no public health risks associated with this event. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified, and courtesy notifications were made to all appropriate government agencies and local stakeholders in accordance with NEI 07-07, Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative, on March 20, 2012. Due to notification of government agencies, this event is being reported under 10CFR50.72 (b)(2)(xi)."

The licensee informed the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Berks, Montgomery and Chester counties.


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