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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Canada : Bruce : Redémarrage de l’unité 2 de nouveau retardé

18 mai 2012

Dans le cadre des préparatifs au raccordement de l’unité 2 au réseau électrique, un incident s’est produit dans le système générateur. Cet incident qui s’est produit sur la partie non nucléaire de la centrale nucléaire de Bruce a causé quelques dégâts.

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Nuclear reactor restart delayed again

TORONTO - Bruce Power is delaying once again the restart of a refurbished reactor in the latest of a series of setbacks for the multibillion-dollar project. “An hour prior to synchronization to the grid last week, an issue was identified within the electrical generator on the non-nuclear side of the plant,” the company said Friday on its website.

“Following initial inspections throughout this week, it is clear repairs will need to be made.”

The Bruce A Unit 2 reactor is ready to go, the company said, but fixing the generator problem will likely delay when it can start pumping electricity into the province’s power grid.

Work to restart the 750-megawatt Unit 2 reactor began in 2006 and was originally scheduled to be completed two years ago.

Unit 1 was part of the refurbishment project — now believed to cost about $4.8 billion — and is still expected to restart later this year.

Bruce Power said the delay to Unit 2 is not expected to add to the cost of the project.

But Shawn-Patrick Stensil, with Greenpeace, said the delays underline the need for greater public scrutiny and debate over the role of nuclear energy in Ontario.

“The Bruce restart fiasco shows why we need more public scrutiny not less,” he said in an email.

Ontario is currently planning to refurbish four units at Darlington and build two new nuclear reactors there. The refurbishment alone is expected to cost about $10 billion.




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