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3 réacteurs ne sont plus alimentés en courant pour refroidir le combustible nucléaire

Article publié le 11 mars 2011

Tepco (l’exploitant de Fukushima) vient d’annoncer que la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima Daiichi n’a plus de courant pour refroidir 3 réacteurs depuis 8 heures. Après la perte de courant extérieur, les générateurs de secours ont démarré et fonctionné pendant 55 minutes puis se sont tous arrêtés (1). Les 3 réacteurs ne sont plus alimentés en courant pour refroidir le combustible nucléaire. L’exploitant ignore l’état de l’injection d’eau de secours pour les réacteurs 1 et 2 (2).

(1) "Today at approximately 2:46PM, turbines and reactors of Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 (Boiling Water Reactor, rated output 460 Megawatts) and Units 2 and 3 (Boiling Water Reactor, Rated Output 784 Megawatts) that had been operating at rated power automatically shutdown due to the Miyagiken-oki Earthquake. For the above 3 units, off-site power was lost due to malfunction of one out of two off-site power system, leading to automatic startup of emergency diesel generators. Subsequently, at 3:41PM, emergency diesel generators shutdown due to malfunction resulting in the complete loss of alternating current for all three units."

(2) "(...)Subsequently, since the status of reactor water coolant injection could not be confirmed for the emergency core cooling systems of Units 1 and 2, at 4:36PM, it was decided that a specific incident stipulated in Article 15, Clause 1 of the Act has occurred."



(1) "Today at approximately 2:46PM, turbines and reactors of Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 (Boiling Water Reactor, rated output 460 Megawatts) and Units 2 and 3 (Boiling Water Reactor, Rated Output 784 Megawatts) that had been operating at rated power automatically shutdown due to the Miyagiken-oki Earthquake. For the above 3 units, off-site power was lost due to malfunction of one out of two off-site power system, leading to automatic startup of emergency diesel generators. Subsequently, at 3:41PM, emergency diesel generators shutdown due to malfunction resulting in the complete loss of alternating current for all three units."

(2) "(...)Subsequently, since the status of reactor water coolant injection could not be confirmed for the emergency core cooling systems of Units 1 and 2, at 4:36PM, it was decided that a specific incident stipulated in Article 15, Clause 1 of the Act has occurred."



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