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Conférences - Débats

Remember Fukushima - No To Nuclear Power

Londres (Angleterre) - Hors de France

Mardi 10 mars 2015

19:00 – 20:30 please arrive at the Cromwell Green (8) entrance at least 30 minutes early to ensure enough time to pass through security : https://www.parliament.uk/visiting/access/security/ https://www.parliament.uk/documents/facilities/maps/colmap.pdf

Public Meeting - committee room number to be announced, House Of Commons


Hosted by Jenny Jones, Baroness Jones of Moulscoomb

Chaired by : Kate Hudson, General Secretary CND

Introduction to meeting : Jenny Jones, Baroness Jones of Moulscoomb


 Arnie Gunderson, nuclear engineer with over 40 years experience, nuclear industry whistleblower https://www.fairewinds.org/fairewinds-team/#sthash.Hd248tAo.dpbs

 Dr Ian Fairlie, Independent Consultant on radiation risks https://www.ianfairlie.org

 Ayumi, member of FoE Japan (Friends of The Earth Japan) https://www.foejapan.org

 Dr Paul Dorfman, Honorary Senior Research Associate, UCL Energy Institute https://www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/energy/people/affiliates-and-associates/paul-dorfman

 Geoff Read, Artist and Fukushima evacuee https://strongchildrenjapan.blogspot.co.uk

 Rik, Kick Nuclear https://stopnuclearpoweruk.net/groups/kicknuclear

Contact : Kick Nuclear London & JAN UK / Kick Nuclear rememberfukushima311@gmail.com https://fukushima2015.com/public-meeting-in-the-house-of-commons/

Hosted by Jenny Jones, Baroness Jones of Moulscoomb

Chaired by : Kate Hudson, General Secretary CND

Introduction to meeting : Jenny Jones, Baroness Jones of Moulscoomb


 Arnie Gunderson, nuclear engineer with over 40 years experience, nuclear industry whistleblower https://www.fairewinds.org/fairewinds-team/#sthash.Hd248tAo.dpbs

 Dr Ian Fairlie, Independent Consultant on radiation risks https://www.ianfairlie.org

 Ayumi, member of FoE Japan (Friends of The Earth Japan) https://www.foejapan.org

 Dr Paul Dorfman, Honorary Senior Research Associate, UCL Energy Institute https://www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/energy/people/affiliates-and-associates/paul-dorfman

 Geoff Read, Artist and Fukushima evacuee https://strongchildrenjapan.blogspot.co.uk

 Rik, Kick Nuclear https://stopnuclearpoweruk.net/groups/kicknuclear

Contact : Kick Nuclear London & JAN UK / Kick Nuclear rememberfukushima311@gmail.com https://fukushima2015.com/public-meeting-in-the-house-of-commons/

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