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Conférences - Débats

Nuclear Energy Conference 2015

Linz (Autriche) - Hors de France

Mardi 19 mai 2015

Redoutensäle in Promenadenhof Linz - Upper Austria

Europe without nuclear What does Europe’s energy future look like ?

The Nuclear Energy Conference 2015 is a continuation of the Nuclear Energy Conference 2014 which took place in Prague and which dealt with the economic limits of nuclear power. Since last year, there are increasing signs that nuclear power is at its end. Leading energy companies report that they want to withdraw from nuclear and rely more on renewable energy. Nuclear expansion plans come to a halt, the share of nuclear power in Europe has steadily decreased

We therefore want to take a utopian / realistic look into the near future : Europe has phased out nuclear power. What does Europe’s energy future look like ? What scenarios are available for selected countries ? And how have these countries managed to overcome nuclear power ?

Conference organizers :
 Anti Atom Komitee
 atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben !
 Mütter gegen Atomgefahr

Europe without nuclear What does Europe’s energy future look like ?

The Nuclear Energy Conference 2015 is a continuation of the Nuclear Energy Conference 2014 which took place in Prague and which dealt with the economic limits of nuclear power. Since last year, there are increasing signs that nuclear power is at its end. Leading energy companies report that they want to withdraw from nuclear and rely more on renewable energy. Nuclear expansion plans come to a halt, the share of nuclear power in Europe has steadily decreased

We therefore want to take a utopian / realistic look into the near future : Europe has phased out nuclear power. What does Europe’s energy future look like ? What scenarios are available for selected countries ? And how have these countries managed to overcome nuclear power ?

Conference organizers :
 Anti Atom Komitee
 atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben !
 Mütter gegen Atomgefahr

Depuis plus de 20 ans Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" apporte son soutien aux groupes antinucléaires. Ils sont le fondement de notre association et du mouvement antinucléaire en France. Chaque année, le Réseau relaie massivement leurs actions et les soutient financièrement. Nous souhaitons pouvoir continuer à impulser et amplifier cette dynamique d’actions contre le nucléaire, et ce sera grâce à votre soutien :

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