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Twinkle Twinkle by Beyond Nuclear

7 février 2011 | 263 vues

Clip conçu aux USA par Linda Gunther, de Beyond Nuclear, pour exposer en 1 mn 30 les arguments antinucléaires de cette association et inciter un maximum de personnes à la rejoindre.

Actor Ed Asner asks the question : What would happen to your neighborhood if a nuclear power plant had a major accident or was attacked ? All operating U.S. reactors are older than the Chernobyl reactor that exploded in 1986 releasing a radiation cloud across the former Soviet Union and Europe. A major accident or attack today at a U.S. nuclear plant could make your neighborhood uninhabitable indefinitely. This is not the future we want for our children. Beyond Nuclear asks for your support in closing nuclear power plants today and focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy


Actor Ed Asner asks the question : What would happen to your neighborhood if a nuclear power plant had a major accident or was attacked ? All operating U.S. reactors are older than the Chernobyl reactor that exploded in 1986 releasing a radiation cloud across the former Soviet Union and Europe. A major accident or attack today at a U.S. nuclear plant could make your neighborhood uninhabitable indefinitely. This is not the future we want for our children. Beyond Nuclear asks for your support in closing nuclear power plants today and focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy


Le saviez-vous ?
Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" est un véritable contre-pouvoir citoyen. Totalement indépendants de l’État, nous dépendons exclusivement du soutien de nos donateur⋅ices. C’est grâce à votre soutien financier que nous pouvons nous permettre de tout mettre en œuvre pour offrir aux générations futures l’espoir d’un avenir sans risques nucléaires. Aidez-nous à obtenir cet objectif et à nous permettre de continuer la lutte au quotidien contre cette énergie mortifère et pour promouvoir la sobriété énergétique et les alternatives renouvelables.

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