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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Pilgrim : saut important du niveau de tritium à la centrale

1er août 2010

Niveau de contamination de la nappe sous la centrale découvert à 25 552 pico-Curies par litre - soit 945 Bq/l - alors que la limite réglementaire (et non pas inoffensive) est de 20 000 pC /l (740 Bq/l) pour l’eau potable. Huit jours plus tard le niveau était de 6 970 pC.

Type BWR Mark 1 - Puissance : 2 028 MWTh - Première divergence : 06/1972 -

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Pilgrim plant’s tritium levels show big drop

Aug 1, 2010 at 1:17 AM


The levels of the radioactive isotope tritium in a monitoring well at the Pilgrim nuclear power plant have dropped significantly since they were found to have exceeded federal drinking water standards on July 7.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said a level of 6,870 picocuries per liter of tritium was found in a monitoring well on July 15, compared with 25,552 picocuries per liter on July 7.

The federal maximum standard for drinking water is 20,000 picocuries per liter. Although the well is more than two miles from the nearest drinking water source, Entergy Corp. officials have stepped up their efforts to trace the source of the elevated tritium. Entergy, the plant’s owner, has noticed elevated levels of tritium since it first installed the well in the spring.

 See more at : https://www.enterprisenews.com/article/20100801/NEWS/308019856/0/SEARCH#sthash.wmJzzdXQ.dpuf

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