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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-unis : McGuire : incendie dans un autotransformateur du poste de distribution suite à un défaut d’équipement

8 novembre 2017

L’incendie circonscrit par les pompiers n’aurait pas eu de conséquence sur les deux réacteurs de Mc Guire car l’autotransformateur n’était pas sur un circuit en cours d’utilisation.

Type : PWR - Puissance : 3 411 MWth - Première divergence : 8 / 1981 -

Available in english only

Event Number : 53061 Facility : MCGUIRE - State : NC

Unit : [1] [2] - RX Type : [1] W-4-LP,[2] W-4-LP -

Event Date : 11/08/2017 - Event Time : 08:24 [EST]

Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section : 50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION

Initial PWR Current PWR 1 100 % 100 % 2 100 % 100 %

Event Text


"At 0824 EST on 11/8/17, a Switchyard Autotransformer began to burn due to an equipment failure. The autotransformer supports interconnectivity between each side of the switchyard and is not required for switchyard operation. There was no work in progress on the associated autotransformer at the time of the event. The autotransformer and the switchyard are outside the protected area approximately one mile away. The fire was contained to the autotransformer only. The fault has been electrically isolated and there was no effect on either MNS [McGuire Nuclear Site] Unit 1 or Unit 2 operations. No personnel were injured as a result of the fire. Local Fire Department responded and has contained the fire. MNS fire brigade leader along with switchyard maintenance have confirmed no effects to the MNS bus lines, power availability, or the ability for the site to generate power.

"Environmental personnel have made a notification to the National Response Center due to the oil and foam mixture occurring as a result of the fire response. McGuire hazmat personnel are currently working to contain this oil and foam mixture. Environmental personnel are also submitting a report to the NC [North Carolina] Department of Environmental Water Quality within 24 hours. There is no impact to the public.

"The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed."


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