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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Pilgrim : Arrêt automatique d’urgence du réacteur suite à la perte de lignes électriques extérieures

27 janvier 2015

Suite à une tempête de neige, à 4h02 du matin, la ligne d’alimentation extérieure est tombée, entraînant l’ouverture du disjoncteur qui a lui même provoqué l’arrêt de la turbine principale. Les groupes électrogènes ont démarré pour alimenter les bus de secours. L’arrêt d’urgence se serait effectué normalement. La pression serait maintenue par le circuit d’injection de liquide haute pression (HPCI). Seul un compresseur n’assurant pas de fonction de secours aurait été défaillant.

Type : Fukushima 1 (BWR Mark 1) - Puissance : 2 028 MWTh - Première divergence : 06/1972

Available in english only.

Event Number : 50769

Facility : PILGRIM - State : MA

Unit : [1] - RX Type : [1] GE-3

Event Date : 01/27/2015 - Event Time : 04:02

Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section : 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL 50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) - VALID SPECIF SYS ACTUATION

Initial PWR : 52 % Current PWR : 0 %

Event Text


"On Tuesday January 27, 2015 at 0402 hours, with the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) Reactor Mode Select Switch (RMSS) in Run and reactor power approximately 52% an automatic reactor scram signal was received due to the automatic trip of the main turbine that was initiated by the opening of the main generator breaker, ACB-104. The event occurred during winter storm ’Juno.’ Prior to the event off-site transmission Line 355 was de-energized due [to] weather conditions and its associated PNPS switchyard breakers (ACB-105, a main generator breaker and ACB-102), were open. Per station procedures, reactor power was being lowered, a reactor protection system bus had been placed onto a back-up power supply, the Emergency Diesel Generators had been started and were powering the associated safety related 4 KV buses. The second off-site transmission Line 342 de-energized and the associated PNPS switchyard breakers (ACB-104 main generator breaker and ACB-103) opened. The Shutdown Transformer off-site power supply has remained available throughout this event. All control rods were verified to be fully inserted. Per plant design, Primary Containment Isolation System (PCIS) Group lI sampling systems, Group VI Reactor Water Clean-up (RWCU) system and Reactor Building Isolation System (RBIS) isolations occurred. Currently, the EDG’s are powering the safety related 4KV buses, reactor water level is being maintained by the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system and reactor pressure is being maintained by High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system. The station is conducting a plant cool down at this time. All systems responded as designed with the exception of a non-safety-related diesel air compressor, K-117 that failed to start."

The licensee will notify the State and local governments and plans on issuing a press release. The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed.


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