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Des accidents nucléaires partout

Etats-Unis : Palisades : Détection de tritium dans le sous-sol hors du site

19 mars 2015

La présence de tritum a été détectée dans les puits 7 et 8 à un niveau inférieur aux 20 000 pCi/L. La NRC précise que les puits ne sont utilisés que pour l’échantillonnage, pas pour l’eau potable. Le problème serait dû à la survenue d’une fuite sur le tuyau reliant le puisard de séparation d’huile au drain du bâtiment turbine. Le volume rejeté est inconnu, mais au moins égal à 379 litres. Le tritium est suspecté de migrer à travers les tubes de générateur de vapeur jusqu’au eaux usées du bâtiment turbine.

Type : PWR - Puissance : 2 565 MWth - Première divergence : 05/1971

Available in english only.

Event Number : 50907 Facility : PALISADES Region : 3 State : MI Unit : [1] - RX Type : [1] CE

Event Date : 03/19/2015 - Event Time : 16:00

Emergency Class : NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section : 50.72(b)(2)(xi) - OFFSITE NOTIFICATION

Initial PWR : 100 % - Current PWR -

Event Text


"On February 26, 2015, as a result of routine monitoring well sampling, Palisades Nuclear Plant identified tritium in temporary wells 7 and 8, located within the plant protected area. Tritium concentrations were less than the threshold value (20,000 pCi/L) for initiating voluntary communications in accordance with Nuclear Energy Institute Ground Water Protection Initiative. The station promptly isolated and rerouted the likely source. Subsequent sample concentrations from samples obtained on March 18, 2015, have resulted in concentrations of tritium less than the minimum detectable activity. The wells are currently used only for on-site sampling and not for drinking water. There is no threat to public health and safety.

"These results confirm that a leak from the pipe that runs from the turbine sump oil separator to the turbine building drain tank was the likely cause. The volume of the leak cannot be determined but is potentially greater than 100 gallons. Therefore, voluntary communications have been made to state and local stakeholders. The Licensee has notified the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Van Buren County Administrator, the Township Supervisors in Covert, Geneva, and South Haven Townships, as well as the City of South Haven Mayor and City Manager.

"The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspectors."

The tritium is suspected to be migrating through the steam generator tubes to the turbine building waste water.


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